How to prepare for your Sound Practitioner Training

 You’ve made the decision to enroll in sound practitioner training and catalyze your healing journey through frequency & sound. Congratulations!

When embarking on the Healing Arts, people can experience clearings of energetic blockages and experience energy flow through their bodies promoting physical, mental, and emotional healing.

It is a big step in a spiritual path in which you can open yourself to channel energy to heal yourself and hold space for others to experience the same.

One of the intentions of our graduation ceremony is to mark the acknowledgment that you are committed to working on raising your own vibration and expanding your energetic field.


Below are some tips that will help prepare your mind, body, and soul for your journey & experience.


  • Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.

  • Eat whole plant-based foods.

    Whole foods contain Qi / Prana and offer the highest amount of energy and nutrients for your body.

  • Meditate daily

    Find 5-20 minutes each day to meditate in silence and be in nature.

  • Get restful sleep

    Sleeping well will help reduce fatigue and tiredness allowing you to have energy and be fully present.

  • Eat a healthy yet light breakfast on the day of our training.

    We will have big days ahead of us and will need the energy.



  •  Eliminate or greatly reduce your intake of meat and dairy.

    The reason behind this is animal products take more energy for our bodies to digest and when practicing healing we want our body’s energy to be fully available for channeling. For this reason, many in the healing arts choose to have a sattvic diet, also called the yogic diet.

  • Alcohol.

Alcohol affects the nervous system and should be avoided.

  • If you are a smoker, reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke.

This will help your body be in a healthier state for spiritual work and cleansing.

  • Avoid excessive stimulation from television, social media, the internet, and technology in general

    (when possible)

  • Reduce your consumption of caffeine

  this affects the nervous system.  

  • Do not engage in activities that deplete your energy.

    You will know best what these activities are for you.


Many experience an energetic clearing during and after the training.  During this time, you may have emotional releases from laughter, and crying to feelings of anger and frustration. The effects may also be more subtle. Know that no matter what you experience, it is all part of the process of self-healing.

Be gentle with yourself and do activities that recharge your energy and nourish your body. Such as taking walks in nature, hot baths with Epsom salts + essential oils, massage, acupuncture, etc.

This is a time to reflect and surrender. Embrace the process.


 Interested in enrolling in our upcoming training? Check out the details below 


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